Review Copy Policy


I am totally open to the idea of review copies. A free copy of a book in exchange for an honest review. But if you want me to review your book please quickly glance over the guidelines for the format of book you have before emailing me at Thank you in advance.

Please note: even if your book falls under the guidelines I have the right to decline reading it

My review will always contain: 

  • My honest opinions on the novel
  • A rating out of 5
  • A picture of the book
  • The synopsis
It will also have purchase links if you'd like. 


I am most likely to only take ebook review requests for YA books right now. For more information contact me at I check this email at least once every week.


I am open to accepting a  much wider range of novels in paperback format. The genres I am more likely to accept are:

  • YA (almost always)
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Manga
  • Graphic Novels

I also love Youtuber books and handbooks and guides to other books

The one genre I for sure wouldn't be open to receiving would be an erotic romance novel and like I said above, I don't read most historical (ya excluded), biographies, memoirs and business novels as often so I may not want a copy of the book that you're offering.

Again, for more information email me at I make sure to check my email at least once a week.


Audiobooks are fine, but I'm only accepting YA, Sci Fi and Fantasy

For more information email me at I make sure to check my email at least once a week.

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