

This blog is mainly focused on YA at the moment, but I will post reviews of new adult and such on occasion. This blog is where I post reviews of books I read and sometimes book tags. 


Hello! Every since I was about 5 I've loved to read and write. I got more into reading when I first read the Harry Potter series at 7, avidly reading and collecting books since. When I was in grades 3 and 4 we got to write so many stories and it was when I had received praise on many of them, that I realized that I loved to write to make others happy. I'm currently experimenting with my writing, seeing which types of books I like to write the most.

I live in Canada, and am currently still a student. I have two adorable cats and run a semi-sucessful bookstagram (@inmemoryofourfavouritebook). I go by C on here because I'd rather use this website as a getaway from all the anxiety and stress I face on a regular basis. On that note, yes, I am socially inept and my habit of heavily procrastinating causes me a great deal of stress and anxiety. I've gotten somewhat better with my procrastination over the years but I am far from over it. 

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