Monday 7 November 2016

REVIEW: The Fever Code by James Dashner

Note. This review does not contain any spoilers

The Fever Code by James Dashner (Maze Runner 0.6)

Rating: 5/6 stars

Recommendation: To those who have read The Maze Runner Series or at least The Kill Order, if you haven't this will make no sense to you so I recommend that you check out the rest of the series first.


This book, as of all of this series was amazing. It was really cool to dive further into the world before the Maze Trials. I wasn't expecting to be much of a plot twisty book as I thought I had known everything about this dystopia but it really surprised me. I kind of wished that James had written this book in more POV's as the only character besides Thomas is Newt for kind of a prologue.

Overall, this book was a lot better than I had expected and it was nice to see these characters again. It ended up breaking my heart a lot more than it should have but nonetheless was a great afternoon read.


Once there was a world’s end.

The forests burned, the lakes and rivers dried up, and the oceans swelled.

Then came a plague, and fever spread across the globe. Families died, violence reigned, and man killed man.

Next came WICKED, who were looking for an answer. And then they found the perfect boy.

The boy’s name was Thomas, and Thomas built a maze.

Now there are secrets.

There are lies.

And there are loyalties history could never have foreseen. 

This is the story of that boy, Thomas, and how he built a maze that only he could tear down.

All will be revealed.

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